I was in front of the firing squad earlier when I said: I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE SNOW!”

And the reason is a simple one: I get to clear my schedule.

Everything gets canceled.  Cue the confetti!! There are no meetings…no appointments…no practices…no games…no errands…nada.

The mom taxi stays parked in the garage and its driver spends the day in her traditional uniform of an old college sweatshirt and some baggy sweatpants. The only stress I have is the hour it takes to shove the kids into their snowsuits, gloves and hats only for them to come back in after 5 minutes with “I have to go to the bathroom” or “it’s too cold.” My favorite line in the past was “the snow is so wet!” Face-palm.

I’ll break it down to its simplest form: I want to be lazy. I don’t want anyone to have any expectations of me being anywhere other than my couch.

I am overscheduled. Plain and simple. Momma is hanging on by a thread here and it’s only the third week of the new year.

The snow makes it impossible for my Mom-mobile to leave the house…so I am finally able to spend quality time with the family. My oldest daughter already has a Harry Potter movie marathon planned while my son has challenged me to a tournament of Twister. My three-year-old is just excited to eat the snow. It’s the little things in life.

While I love the summer days at the pool…I am a sucker for fireplace weather with old school hot chocolate cooking on the stove, board games, snowball fights and movie marathons with every snack imaginable.

It’s a good time to unplug, unwind and reconnect.

And I have never been more thankful to be out of the TV news biz…because this “retired” anchor won’t get called into work.


Stay safe everyone…if you need me, I’ll be on my couch.
