To the mom who got only three hours of sleep last night…I see you.
To the mom racing around this morning getting everyone dressed, fed and out the door while having no time to get ready yourself…I see you.
To the mom who spends her day outside of the home making decisions, hitting deadlines and heading from one meeting to the next…I see you.
To the mom who spends her day working inside the home making decisions, changing diapers, cleaning endless bottles, arguing over nap time and never getting a break…I see you.
To the mom who gets to work only to find baby puke on her sweater…I see you.
To the mom who has to rush out of work to make sure the kids are picked up at school and daycare on time…I see you.
To the mom who is in the house for less than a minute and has to start getting dinner ready…I see you.
To the mom who ends up just eating the leftovers from your child’s plate…I see you.
To the mom who has seven loads of laundry that need washed and five baskets that need folded…I see you.
To the mom who has that one picky eater…I see you.
To the mom who has to repeat herself over and over…I see you.
To the mom who stands in the middle of the living room wondering when the bomb went off…I see you.
To the mom who falls in the toilet because someone didn’t put the seat down…I see you.
To the mom who Googles answers to history or math questions…I see you.
To the mom who, in the midst of chaos, rocks the middle child on the recliner because they need a little extra attention…I see you.
To the mom who is dealing with a toddler tantrum in the grocery store because she wants a candy bar, gum and chips in the checkout line…I see you.
To the mom who spends her night shuttling kids to and from dance, soccer, gymnastics, wrestling, basketball and cheer…I see you.
To the mom who stays in the parking lot after dropping the kids off for a few moments of calm…I see you.
To the mom who spends an hour rocking the fussy baby to sleep…I see you.
To the mom who comes up with a special formula that kills monsters under toddler beds…I see you.
To the mom who answers hears “WHY?! THAT’S NOT FAIR!” 72 times a night…I see you.
To the mom who sits in the corner at the end of the night exhausted…I see you.
To the mom who gives the side-eye to their significant other when they say “I’m tired”…I see you 😉
To the mom who is doing it all alone, all of the time…I see you.
To the mom who somehow has enough strength to get up and do it all over again…I see you.
To the mom who often wonders if it all really matters…it does…and I see you.
When you become a grandparent you will look back and say,, I am so glad I was a mom!! If you are lucky enough to become a great grandparent, you will look back and say,, WOW!!! Awesome I was a mom!!!