by Amanda Goodman | Apr 2, 2019 | Mom Life
When you become a parent, everyone tells you it goes by fast. I just never realized that kids grow up faster than a trip with Marty McFly in the DeLorean. I woke up this morning with an ache in my heart…my oldest turns 11 today. She’s in full-blown tween...
by Amanda Goodman | Mar 19, 2019 | Mom Life, Social Issues
Lawnmower parents. (Sigh) Were any of us really surprised to find out that some of the rich and elite were buying their children’s way into college? Nope. I think youth sports has taught us all we need to know about these kind of parents…affectionately...
by Amanda Goodman | Jan 17, 2019 | Mom Life
I was in front of the firing squad earlier when I said: I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE SNOW!” And the reason is a simple one: I get to clear my schedule. Everything gets canceled. Cue the confetti!! There are no meetings…no appointments…no...
by Amanda Goodman | Jan 14, 2019 | Mom Life
“Mom! I forgot my sneakers!” I started laughing because surely she was joking. I was 100% confident that my responsible child did not forget her basketball shoes she needed to play basketball. But there she stood in a pile of snow wearing her Adidas...
by Amanda Goodman | Dec 10, 2018 | Mom Life, Perfect Polly's
I read something over the weekend that left me so confused…I didn’t know whether to hit a boxing bag, drink a glass of wine or laugh at the total RIDICULOUSNESS of the post. Allow me to share the gem that was shared anonymously (of course) on the...
by Amanda Goodman | Dec 3, 2018 | Mom Life
“Work-life balance.” I detest that phrase. Ok, maybe I’m not THAT angry about it…but I think I would prefer hearing nails screeching down a chalkboard than to hear someone giving me tips about “work-life balance.” It took me YEARS,...